Get started by taking a look at an example of a PDP and Self-Assessment:
The basic PDP steps are:
- Update and Complete your Self-Assessment.
- Select one or more Essential Questions as a priority for you Professional Development.
- Enroll in Relevant Courses.
Now let's go through the PDP step by step.
- The first time you access your PDP it won't be active and it will looking something like the example shown below.
- So the first thing you need to do is complete your Self-Assessment. Open your Self-Assessment by clicking the link "Update My Self-Assessment". See the Self-Assessment - Step by Step section of this guide.
- Once you have completed your Self-Assessment and selected one or more priorities, your PDP will look something like the example shown below.
- To keep the example easy to work with there is only one priority shown.
- The next step is to enroll in Relevant Courses. Next to each priority there will be link "View Relevant Courses". Clicking this link with take you to the LMS Course Catalog where you will see a list of the courses that are relevant to the priority you are working with. See the Course Catalog section of this guide to learn more about working with the Course Catalog.
- After you have enrolled in a Relevant Course your PDP will look something like the example shown below.
- To keep the example easy to work with there is only one priority shown and only one Relevant Course has been enrolled in.
- You can click on the name of the course to take the course. See the Taking Courses section of this guide to learn more about taking courses.
- You have two additional Professional Development Plan options. Shown below are examples of the additional options.
- You can add courses that are not directly Relevant to priorities you have selected. Click the link "Select from the Course Catalog" to add courses to your PDP from the Course Catalog. See the Course Catalog section of this guide to learn about using the Course Catalog.
- You can add Professional Development activities that are not found in the LMS Course Catalog. Click the link "Add Item" to add Professional Development activities that are outside of the LMS Course Catalog.