To see an example of a complete PDP see the PDP-Complete Picture section of this guide.

Let's breakout each section of the PDP and look at each of the features.

    Sections and Highlighted Features
    • Note the expiration date. Typically the expiration date will be 12 months since the last time the Self-Assessment was completed/updated. The PDP timeframe for your system might be different depending on how administration has configured your PDP system.

    • PDP instructions are configured by administration so you will see instructions that are specific to your organization.

    • The PDP section "My Self-Assessment Priorities" contains the central component of the PDP process. In this section is a link to the Self-Assessment as well as a list of all Essential Question priorities and any courses that are Relevant to Essential Question priorities.

    • The "Update My Self-Assessment" link will open the Self-Assessment. See the Self-Assessment Example to learn more.

    • All Essential Questions marked as a priority are listed on the PDP.

    • A link to View Relevant Courses is provided for each Essential Question marked as a priority. This link will take the user to the LMS Course Catalog and presented the relevant courses where the user can choose to enroll in selected courses.

    • All Relevant Courses added to the PDP are grouped under the section titled "Courses Related to My Self-Assessment Priorities".

    Sections and Highlighted Features

    • The PDP section "Courses Added to My Plan from the Course Catalog" contains any courses added to the PDP that are NOT directly Related to Essential Question priorities.

    • A link is provided to add courses to the PDP from the LMS Course Catalog.

    • The PDP section "My Other Professional Development Not Found in the Course Catalog" provides the ability to add PDP activities the user is pursuing outside of the offerings available from within the system.

    • A link is provided to add other PDP items.

    • A Printer Friendly View of the PDP is available.