The basic Self-Assessment steps are:

  1. Decide whether you will be including administrator/direct questions.
  2. Complete all the Essential Questions.
  3. Select one or more Essential Questions as a priority for you Professional Development.

Now let's go through the Self-Assessment step by step.

  1. The first time you access your Self-Assessment it will look something like the example shown below.

      • So the first thing you need to do is decide whether you will be including administrator/direct questions.

      • Next you will expand each Knowledge Area and answer the questions.

  2. Below you can see an example of a Self-Assessment with the first Knowledge Area expanded and the questions being answered.

      • The next step is to select Priorities for your Professional Development

  3. Below you can see an example of a Self-Assessment with a priority selected.

      • To complete the Self-Assessment all of the questions must be answered.

  4. Below you can see an example of a completed Self-Assessment having all of the essential questions answered.