Communication Matrix Series-Level 7

Course Number
Individuals at Level VII can use Symbols (concrete or abstract) combined into two- or three-symbol combinations ('want juice', 'me go out'), according to grammatical rules. The individual understands that the meaning of symbol combinations may differ depending upon how the symbols are ordered. This module includes an in-depth description of the characteristics of an individual who is functioning in level VII including communicative behaviors and intents, specific intervention strategies and tools, IEP/IFSP considerations, and essential take a ways.

1.8 Promotes emergent literacy including speaking, listening, reading, and writing

through play and interaction with children.

3.1 Uses observation and assessment to support children’s development and


3.5 Uses observations and assessments to inform instruction and guide planning.

4.6 Designs and implements activities and strategies to help meet the

individual needs of all children in an integrated curriculum

Course Hours
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