Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline 101

Course Number

In this face-to-face training, you will learn about the Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline method. Participants will learn about the Seven Powers for Self-Control. By the end of the session, participants will be able to gain understanding of the Seven Basic Discipline Skills and how to use them.


1.4 Helps children achieve self-regulation and develop coping skills.

e. Creates an environment and provides strategies that help children:

  • Manage strong emotions and calm themselves.
  • Focus their attention to remain actively engaged with activities and materials.
  • Read the signals of the environment to learn how to respond appropriately.
  • Cope with fear, anger, and frustration.
  • Use language to share their needs.
  • Consider the needs of others.
  • Use problem-solving and conflict resolution strategies.

4.1 Develops and models genuine, supportive relationships.

d. Uses a variety of strategies for building relationships such as engaging in meaningful and extended conversations, respecting each child’s uniqueness, using children’s names, being at children’s eye level, and smiling at children.

f. Practices and models responsive, consistent, encouraging, and nurturing interactions that build positive relationships.

j. Responds and adapts to each child, accommodating his/her temperament, personality, strengths, interests, and development pattern.

4.2 Creates an environment that is predictable, promotes interaction and learning, and is responsive to the needs of all children.

a. Plans, implements, and adapts a supportive learning environment that promotes children’s safety, positive interactions, and behaviors.

d. Makes sure expectations for routines and tasks are clear and purposeful for all children.

f. Uses a steady, calm tone and consistent, predictable signals when providing direction and redirection to children.

j. Uses positive guidance strategies to prevent challenging behavior from occurring and/or reoccurring.

Additional Information


  1. Welcome
  2. Housekeeping
    1. Restrooms
    2. Cellphones
  3. Learning Objectives
    1. Participants will:
      1. Learn about the Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline method.
      2. Gain understanding of the Seven Powers for Self-Control.
      3. Gain understanding of the Seven Basic Discipline Skills.
  4. Content
    1. Objectives
    2. Agenda
    3. Appreciating Misbehavior
    4. Seven Powers for Self-control
      1. Attention
      2. Love
      3. Acceptance
      4. Perception
      5. Intention
      6. Free will
      7. Unity
    5. Seven Basic Discipline Skills
      1. Composure
      2. Assertiveness
      3. Choices
      4. Encouragement
      5. Positive Intent
      6. Empathy
      7. Consequences
    6. Summary
  5. Questions, Comments, Concerns
  6. Evaluation reminders
  7. Proof of learning is an exam at the end of the course for online trainings
Course Hours

Scheduled Event(s) for this Course
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