Beans...More Than Just Cute Songs (Online)

Course Number

This training talks about nutritional and health benefits of beans, how to use beans in a CACFP menu, bean recipes, and warnings about beans.


1.5 Encourages the development of self-help skills to promote independence

a. Understands the importance of promoting healthy living habits such as hand-washing, toothbrushing, positive toileting practices, and healthy eating

1.6 Supports children's gross and fine motor development

a. Creates an environment that supports a variety and range of motor skills

5.1 Identifies practices that encourage positive health behaviors and support the physical and mental well-being of children and families

b. Provides intentional learning opportunities for children and families to understand the basics of healthy behaviors

5.5 Understands the importance of good nutrition and food safety to support healthy growth in children and families

a. Promotes and models healthy nutritional practices

5.6 Understands the importance of healthy lifestyles to support healthy growth in children and families

a. Shares the basics of healthy living through active learning experiences with children and families

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