Get to Know HighScope: An Introduction to the Curriculum

Course Number
This two hour face-to-face training is a general overview of the HighScope curriculum for anyone interested in learning more about it. Objectives of this training include: gain a basic understanding of HighScope, learn how to support active learning, gain an understanding of adult-child interactions, learn strategies to encourage rather than praise a child’s learning, and learn to utilize supports with the implementation of HighScope.

There is a proof of learning quiz attached to this training. It will be available to you on WV STARS after you have attended the training and participated in at least 80% of the activities.
4.5 Selects and implements developmentally appropriate, evidence-based curriculum
a. Adopts or develops curriculum that has clearly defined relevant goals, based on sound understanding of child development
b. Uses curriculum as a 
flexible framework for planning how to meet children’s learning and developmental goals 
to promote social interaction, child-directed learning, play, and creative expression 
to plan engaging experiences to help children achieve curriculum goals
f. Gives children opportunities to work on integrated projects and investigations that span several days in length

4.6 Designs and implements activities and strategies to help meet the individual needs of all children in an integrated curriculum
c. Ensures that child-directed and adult-facilitated play and learning are part of the curriculum
g. Builds on children’s natural curiosity, deepens children’s knowledge and awareness, and sustains active engagement with ideas and materials
h. Assists children in applying the skills they learn by including intervention into daily routines and activities
i. Helps children express ideas and apply prior knowledge by extending an activity in which they show interest
Additional Information
Training Content : 
Discussion questions 
Approved curriculums 
How young children learn 
Developmentally appropriate practices 
What is HighScope 
Getting to know HighScope
HighScope for infants and toddlers
HigScope for preschoolers 
Key elements for support 
Active learning
Adult- child interactions 
Plan, Do, Reflect
How to use HighScope 
HighScope and Conscious Discipline 
Course Hours

Scheduled Event(s) for this Course
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