Classroom Readiness

Course Number
In this face-to-face training, NCWVCAA Head Start staff review classroom expectations for classroom readiness. Preparedness will focus on Lesson Planning and CLASS Instructional Support. Participants will implement utilization of lesson plan guidelines according to curriculum(s) and make distinction between simple learning facts and gain usable knowledge.  Lastly, staff will look at how facts are interconnected, organized, conditioned to one another.

4.2 a. Plans, implements, and adapts a supportive learning environment that promotes children’s safety, positive interactions, and behaviors
4.2 b. Designs schedules that are predictable but flexible
4.2 c. Establishes clear, consistent, and realistic boundaries based on developmentally appropriate expectations
4.2 d. Makes sure expectations for routines and tasks are clear and purposeful for all children
4.2 e. Teaches the steps involved in routines and tasks (i.e., repeats directions, provides visual support while giving directions, uses visual and/or verbal prompts to help children follow through when necessary)
4.2 f. Uses a steady, calm tone and consistent, predictable signals when providing direction and redirection to children
4.2 g. Uses a variety of strategies to engage and maintain children’s attention and active participation
4.2 h. Ensures materials reflect the languages and cultures represented in the program and uses them to reduce potential bias and discrimination
4.2 i. Keeps transitions to a minimum and makes them short, meaningful, and consistent using clear visual and auditory signals to support children j. Uses positive guidance strategies to prevent challenging behavior from occurring and/or reoccurring
4.2 k. Supports children and families through well-planned transitions
4.2 l. Supports the practice of inclusion with typically developmental peers when inclusive practice would best meet the needs of the child
4.2 m. Observes children and makes accommodations and modifications to ensure that all children participate meaningfully in the program
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