Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Preschool PK

Course Number
What does DAP look like in Preschool?  This training will provide tips for intentional teaching and demonstrate multiple teaching strategies that help create a developmentally appropriate environment for 3-5 year-old children.

1.2 Applies the process of assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation
to support children's growth through developmentally appropriate practice
a. Understands developmental sequences and milestone
g. Facilitates opportunities for children to learn and practice skills
h. Evaluates how well planned experiences meet children's needs and interests

1.7 Supports children's cognitive development
a. Engages children in conversations
c. Creates environments that encourage developmentally appropriate exploration of toys, objects, and materials
d. Plans experiences to support a child’s developing interests and build on previous learning
e. Engages children in activities to support the development of play and problem-solving skills
h. Uses open-ended questions to encourage child-initiated interactions

4.6 Designs and implements activities and strategies to help meet the
individual needs of all children in an integrated curriculum
a. Designs and implements a child-centered environment that encourages autonomy, responsibility, and positive
social skills through unplanned and planned activities
c. Ensures that child-directed and adult-facilitated play and learning are part of the curriculum
d. Values and encourages inquiry by posing problems and asking questions that provoke children’s thinking and curiosity
f. Uses appropriate small group experiences to encourage social interaction and problem-solving
i. Helps children express ideas and apply prior knowledge by extending an activity in which they show interest

Course Hours

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