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In this face-to-face 2-part module series, we will discuss the updated research from NAEYC’s newest DAP Statement. We will become familiar with the principles, guidelines, and considerations of DAP. Learn how to build a developmentally appropriate classroom for preschoolers and what changes to make in our environments. Also, answer the questions of ‘Is circle time developmentally appropriate?’ and ‘How important is play?’.
The proof of learning will be a one-hour TA visit about implementing DAP in your classroom.
1.2 a. Understands developmental sequences and milestones 1.2 f. Spends time in thoughtful preparation before implementing experiences and interventions 2.1 d. Recognizes and acknowledges that culture, language, socioeconomic factors, support systems, and special needs may influence how families nurture their children 3.1 h. Shares and applies current theory, research, and policy on assessment through developmentally appropriate methods 4.5 b. Uses curriculum
-as a flexible framework for planning how to meet children’s learning and developmental goals -to promote social interaction, child-directed learning, play, and creative expression -to plan engaging experiences to help children achieve curriculum goals
4.6 m. Selects and uses technology and media tools that have a clearly defined purpose and connection to the curriculum; promotes interaction, communication, and collaboration; and is developmentally appropriate 6.6 a. Recognizes the field of early childhood as a profession
Module 1
Module 2