Foundations of Instructional Design

Course Number
Foundations of Instructional Design.

This course outlines the basics of Instructional Design models and best practices to help professional development providers plan and design future professional development. Throughout the course, we will be walking through the steps to develop your own professional development session. At the end of this course, you will have a completed training plan which you will submit as part of your final project.

This is a self-paced online course.

To be successful in this online course, you will need to be comfortable accessing and using the Internet, have a high-speed Internet connection, and be open and ready to learn.
Learning Objective
This course will:
-Define instructional design.
-Analyze instructional design models.
-Apply instructional design and best practices into professional development planning.

Learning Outcome:
Participants will plan and design a professional learning event that is aligned with the principles of instructional design.

6.4.d. Reflects on current practice, investigates ways to improve, and maintains an individualized professional development plan.
6.4.g. Explores and integrates current trends and research-based practices to make and justify decisions.

Trainer/TA CKCs
3.1.d. Delivers training based on principles of adult learning, using a variety of instructional methods, and media appropriate for the proposed learning outcomes.
3.2.b. Applies appropriate theories and resources to support participant's growth and change.
Additional Information
Course Introduction
Module 1 - What is Instructional Design?
Module 2 - Instructional Design Models and Methods
Module 3 - ADDIE: Analyze
Module 4 - ADDIE: Design
Module 5 - ADDIE: Develop
Module 6 - ADDIE: Implement
Module 7 - Evaluate
Course Closing
Submit Assignment
Course Hours
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