What Do I Do If I Am Not Able to Meet a Renewal Requirement by my Renewal Date?

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Your Career Pathway Certificate renews every 3 years and the expiration date will be listed on your certificate.  If you do not renew your Career Pathway Certificate by the renewal date, you are no longer active as a Career Pathway Participant and are considered a Registry Participant only.  You have 6 months past your expiration date in which you can complete a renewal requirement and still submit just a renewal application. 

There are 3 renewal requirements that you can meet:
-Having completed 45 hours of training within the past three years
-Completed at least three hours of college coursework that can be linked to a WV Core Knowledge Area
-Able to advance your level

If you fail to renew your certificate within the 6-month grace period, then you will have to reinstate your Career Pathway Certificate by resubmitting the initial documentation (resume and education documents) and still having to meet a renewal requirement (you do not submit a renewal application in this case). 
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